Friday, September 30, 2011

Is it worth it?

    Most people don't put much thought into the value of information. It tends to be thought of a something that we have or don't have. Need or don't need. For class we read an article titled Valuing Information. The article really made me think about information in a different way. It brought to my attention the idea of a monetary value for information. This idea is one that I have pondered many times in terms of HOW am I going to pay off my college loans when I finish school. The article made me think about the value of information as in what if we loose it. These days information is mainly stored online or in a computer hard drive on personal computer. This isn't a problem until it is. If one stores all of their information on a hard drive and doesn't back it up then what happens when that computer crashes. Where do you retrieve your information from? The answer is you can't.
      Does this really matter? Maybe not to some people. Lets say a business executive has all of his/her information stored on his work computer and it crashes. I imagine that would be a pretty big deal to him/her. It probably wouldn't matter much to me though. unless that business executive worked for the bank I bank at or Murray State University that would cause me a world of trouble. The point is information does have a monetary value. Considering the amount of information we need to survive in the world as we know it today information may be more valuable than gold.

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