Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Me again

     I finaly had an information need worth talking about. I am in a class this semester called book binding and I need to research a certain type of book that we were going to make tomorrow. It's called coptic Book. we have made over a dozen books already this semester. Pamphlet books, stab bindings and French Binding, but for some reason this one is really scarey to me so I wanted to be in the know before I got to class. Here is what I found
each of those pages is stitched together. I hope it isn't as tedious as it look. It probably is though. I also found a you tube video of how it is done which you can view part one and part two . There is a few Web pages dedicated to this form of hand bound books the one I found most helpful was coptic binding . I hope you all enjoy this information.

1 comment:

  1. When I have more time I'll scope it out. It looks like the books we used to make sometimes when I was a kid.
